Welcome to ON@PRO

The educational diabetes platform and training program for Health Care Professionals

This program is a collaboration between Ascensia Diabetes Care and Prof. Dr. med. habil. Peter Schwarz, MBA (for further information, click here).

Prof. Schwarz will be guiding you through this training on diabetes with different modules of different content and complexity.

How to get started: You will first need to register. You only have to do this once. After, you are able to sign in with your email and password. 

Once registration is done, you enter through Log in and go to Training modules.

Exclusive educational content

ON@PRO offers health care providers involved in treating and educating patients with diabetes an attractive and exclusive educational portal for personal continuous medical education. The educational material is presented in an innovative and intuitive format.


The content of ON@PRO is evidence-based and follows the state-of-the-art in medical science and diabetes management. It highlights future perspectives of innovative patient management and is developed independently from ASCENSIA Diabetes Care.

Get in touch if you need support or leave us your valuable feedback.

This will help us improving our platform.